Contribution Guide

Get setup to contribute to our open-source Flutter project.

Join our Discord Server

Communicate with us by joining our server and letting us know if you have any problems/ideas.

Setup Flutter

Follow Flutter's guide to get it setup on your development platform. You will want to install the necessary tools for IOS and Android development since we are deploying to both platforms.

Clone the Repository

Head over to our Github to fork the repository. Clone your fork and you are setup! Our API keys are kept secret in order to keep our database safe, so if you need access to the Firebase, let us know in the Discord.

Code your Contribution

Create a new branch and start working on your contribution. We have some issues on Github Issues that you can help with, or think of your own and contribute! If someone is already assigned to an issue, feel free to still contribute to it as we may use your code instead.

Familarize yourself with the code organization and various data structures. Comment often, using " /* Big Picture Ideas */ " above your code or " // Small Variable ID " to the right of it to help keep track of updates.

Submit a Pull Request

Once you have finished your contribution, submit a pull request to merge your working branch with the main branch of our repository. We will review your code and merge it if we can use your contribution.

Progress Updates

March 8th, 2024

Watch our runthrough of our Minimum Viable Product and what we have been working on.